Monday, February 15, 2016

Dripping with Jesus

I am a stubborn girl.  (Confession is good for the soul right?) I have always been this way.  Stubbornness has its good points, but it has some terrible points as well.  When I seek to learn a new spiritual discipline, my stubborn streak likes to jump up and grab attention.  My frustration level with self is high.  I sometimes have to go to extreme measures to get past the stubborn streak. 

I don't just want  people to think I might possibly be a Christian.  I want to drip Jesus. When I leave this world, I would like for people to see the trail of Jesus I have left behind.  I don't want this so I can be glorified, but so that HE can be glorified.  I want people to look right past me and see King Jesus. 

When a stubborn girl has these types of aspirations, it takes a lot of work to bend  her will toward the direction of Christ. One thing I want to make perfectly clear: GOD'S WORD IS THE KEY TO BECOMING WHO HE WANTS ME TO BE! 
Here are a few things that have been helpful for me in bending my stubborn nature toward Him.  I'm still very much a work in process and will be until I breathe my last breath.  Some ideas are basic and some take effort.  Most are simple.  But hear me, simple does not always mean easy. 

1.  Take notes
Even if it is only writing down the bullet points the speaker gives, it's worth your time to write them down.  You will remember them better once they are written.  It also simply helps you pay attention more when you are listening to a sermon.  I tend to drift if I don't really follow along in my bible and by writing notes. 

2.  The Liturgy 
 Most people in my "tribe" (churches of Christ) have never heard of the Liturgy. Yes, it started as a Catholic thing.  Yes, monks and nuns use this, but my evangelical friends, do not let this scare you.  Stay with me on this.  The Liturgy is a marking of the hours of the day with prayer using scriptures as your guide.  Do you have trouble making time to pray?  Having a Liturgy book will help you.  During the prayer times, you pray with the Psalms, have a passage to use for Lectio Divinia (Sacred Reading- which only means that you meditate on a short passage, searching for a message within the word), and lift up petitions and thanks to God.  It has changed my life and I'm not kidding or exaggerating.  Having the Liturgy of the Hours in my life has awakened my soul to praying the scriptures and praying multiple times during the day.  Not just "Thank you God" kind of prayers (which are great), but the kind that allow for getting in the word throughout the day and allowing the word to transform you!   If you have questions about this topic or another other, please drop me a comment or send a private message on Facebook.

3.  Coloring  
Yes, I mean with crayons.  Get a coloring book and colors, markers, pencils, etc.  (I adore office supplies!) Any coloring book will do, but now the shelves are full of lovely ones with scripture written on them.  Read a scripture. Then start to color.  As you color, roll the scripture around in your head.  This method of getting in the word also lowers your blood pressure, releases tension, and inspires creativity. 

4.  Bible Journaling
I've been a note-taking, bible journaler my whole life.  I underline, write notes in the empty spaces, doodle while listening to the preacher, etc.  My bible is loved and used.  I have bought several new bibles over the years, but my most beloved bible is worn.  It has packing tape holding the binding together.  I love my bible. 

Recently publishers have been printing note-taking, journaling bibles.  They are super fun.  You can do all kinds of lovely illustrations and lettering in the wide margins.  I bought one and adore it.  I read a page of scripture and sit with it for a bit.  An image will come to mind, or I'll be inspired by someone else's illustration.  Then I draw and letter on that page.  The image above is one I did for the 23rd Psalm.  There are tons of bible journaling groups on Facebook and Instagram.  Just look for the hastag #biblejournaling.  It's fun, relaxing and helps get me in the word, which is my goal for all these ideas. 

5.  Doodle prayers. 
I had been doing this for years and then learned it was a "thing".  I've mentioned it on my blog before.  There is a book called "Praying in Color".    It encourages you to write the names of people and situations you want to pray for.  Then while you hold their names in your heart, you doodle around their written name.  This method of prayer allows for silence, stillness, meditation and prayer.  Its awesome.  Go have a peek at the website. Its also a great method to help children begin the disciple of stillness and prayer. 

6.  Then there is silence.  A subject for another day and another blog post.  A long one.  

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