Monday, December 29, 2014

It's been a long time since I've written here

I have not written on this blog since March.  I'm not sure why.  I've written so many words in the past few months and yet, not on here.  There must be some emotional reason why, but for now HELLO BLOG FRIENDS.


1.  I'm well into writing my book, "An Echo In The Veil".  I'm excited about it.  I think about it all the time.  In fact, it seems my characters are so alive in my head, they never have time to sleep.  I have one publisher that has agreed to read my manuscript when it is complete.  I will begin posting wee bites of the book here, on the blog.

2.  We just got back from a life changing, mind altering experience in NYC.  I was blessed to be able to sing with the contemporary hymn writing couple, Keith and Kristyn Getty, formerly from Northern Ireland, now residing in Nashville.

I was part of their "Joy-An Irish Christmas" concert series.  But the most amazing part of the experience is that it was in Carnegie Hall!  I still have trouble believing that I actually did this.   The experience was absolutely spectacular.

I was part of the choir.  The level of talent seated around me was astonishing.  I will write more about the details of this experience in another blog post.

3.  My disease is still here.  But I am grateful that in the past few weeks, due to the prayers lifted to God by a dear friend, my pain levels have been much better.  Praise God!

4.  Back in the fall, I officially became an oblate with the sisters at Sacred Heart Monastery in Cullman, Alabama.  Prayer is one of the joys of my life.  Learning different avenues of prayer has been a blessing beyond words.  More to come on that as well.

Here is a wee snipet from my manuscript that I recently rolled about in my mind and then typed out on the computer.  Enjoy.

I sat up in the huge, castle bed, stretched and had a moment of epiphany. I realized that each and every morning, my first thought was always the same. "Where are my glasses?" I blinked hard a few times, yawned a jaw cracking yawn and rubbed my eyes before reaching for the night stand. Ever faithful, there my spectacles sat, waiting patiently through the night, to be perched again upon my nose. I looked about the lovely room, reminded myself that I was indeed, still in Scotland. I peered out of the deep set castle window and saw the freshly mowed lawn sparkle in the morning light. My breath caught as I offered up a whispered prayer, "My God! This place is spectacular. Thank you for bringing me here.
(C) 2014, Kelley Smith "Echo In the Veil