Monday, March 21, 2016

50 things I've learned

Today, which came much faster than I thought it would, I turn Fifty years old.  Here are a few words of wisdom that I've learned in my 50 years.

1.  Love God, love others.  Jesus said that of all the rules, these are the two most important. Never forget it.  When life throws you in, shall we say, "interesting" circumstances, remembering these two love laws will help guide you through.  
2.  Life moves faster than you ever believe it will in your 20s and 30s.  At this point, I may be 100 by tomorrow.
3.  Your family is your most  faithful and loving group.  Don't treat them badly.  You'll never get equal replacements.
4.  If you have a truly dear friend, cherish them.  Not many people get those kinds of friendships.  If you have them, you may lose them much earlier in life than you ever dreamed.
5.  Go to church.  It may not seem necessary to you, but it is.  Each week it serves as a reminder that you are a part of something far bigger than yourself.  Otherwise, you become a very self absorbed person, no matter how hard you try not to be.  It may even happen while you go to church, but the chances are much greater that you won't if you go love on your church family each week.
6.  Learn to appreciate folks who are different from yourself.  Whether it is skin color, religion, denomination, nationality, etc. , everyone has something to give to this big planet God gave us.  Don't be afraid.
7.  Take care of your skin, especially girls.  Wash your face each morning and at night.  NEVER sleep in your makeup.  Wear sunscreen even when you don't want to.  Your 50 year old face will thank you.
8.  Take time each and every day to read a bit of scripture and then sit with it for a while in quiet.  It will change your life, right down to the grumpiest parts of your personality.
9.  Have conversations with God.  Don't just talk, ask and beg.  Also thank, praise and worship.  THEN you MUST, absolutely must be still and listen.  The quiet will settle your soul and allow beautiful communion with the One who created you.
10.  Keep chapstick with you at all times.  Your lips will thank you and so will the person that you kiss.
11.  Speaking of kissing, kiss your spouse often and with unabashed love.
12.  Tell your people that you love them every chance you get.  This chance might be the last chance.  Seriously.
13.  Always keep the medicines you need within reach:  in a purse, briefcase, glove box...  Your Momma won't always be close by with her stash.
14.  Never grow too old to color.  That's right!  Grab a box of lovely crayolas and a coloring sheet then release some tension.  Its far cheaper than a doctor visit.
15.  Always have dessert.  Even if it's just a wee, tiny bite.  Life is too short to miss out on the glorious blessings of dessert.
16.  Learn to cook.  You'll never starve if you learn to cook.  You will also appreciate more those who cook really well.
17.  Learn to clean house.  Your family and friends will be grateful and you will breathe much easier.  Literally.
18.  Read something lovely every day.  Find YOUR kind of books and keep them around you all the time.  When you can't afford a trip, you'll be able to escape in a book.
19.  Sleep.  It's good for you.
20.  Drink a buncho water.  Your skin and the rest of your body will be oh so thankful you did!
21.  Always contact those you love on their birthday.  It may not mean much to some, but it will mean the world to others.
22.  If you are a wife, always keep your husband updated on when everyone's birthday is to be celebrated. It makes him look good.  And when he looks good, you look good.
23.  When you are a parent and have a choice between loving on your babies and doing something else, love on your babies.  I wish I had  done more loving.
24.  BUT sometimes it makes you a better parent to get away for a bit.  You need a fresh perspective from time to time.
25.  Your spouse is your truest love.  Love them more than anyone, even your children.  Loving your children's mother or dad is the most loving thing you can do for your children.
26.  Motherhood makes for long days and short years.  Learn to enjoy both.
27.  Not all  "friends" on facebook are friends in real life.  Be careful with whom you are familiar.  Not everyone needs or wants to know everything.
28.  If you are married, don't talk negatively about your spouse.  Ever.
29.  Never have sex with anyone who is not married to you.  Ever.
30.  If you are married, have sex often.  Ladies, even when you don't necessarily want to.  In a marriage relationship it is far more important that you will ever realize.
31.  Give compliments to people who can never do anything kind toward you.  Tell a cashier she has on pretty jewelry.  Tell a doorman he smells nice.  Be generous with compliments, but always mean them.
32.  Never apologize for your faith.  Even when others disagree, know what you believe and why you believe it.  Stand firm.
33.  Keep a jacket in your car.
34.  Keep a stick of deodorant in your car.  You never know when you'll forget.  The rest of the world will thank you.  
35.  If a boss belittles you, immediately start looking for another job.
36.  Never quit a job before you have a new job, unless its an emergency.
37.  Travel as often as you can.  Traveling teaches us about this big wide world and reminds us how small a part of it we are.
38.  Don't be a picky eater.  You will miss out on some of the most glorious gifts of God if you are picky.  Try every food  you are offered at least once.  You never know what you're favorite will be.
39.  If someone tells you something in confidence, keep it in confidence.
40.  Don't be a mean girl.  I know there are mean boys too, but mean girls rank up there with the vilest of creatures.
41.  Answer the text.  Especially if it's from your mother.
42.  Don't use the word of God to beat up people.  The word is a weapon, but the target is Satan, not people.  Our job is to love them like Jesus. 
43.  Clean up after yourself.  Always.  Never assume someone else will do it for you. 
44.  Don't sleep in ironed clothing.  That's another story for another day, but just don't do it.
45.  Never expect anything from the government.  Ever.  It is not a dependable entity.  In fact, it's the most unreliable resource you will ever encounter.
46.  Don't wear wear shoes that make your feet hurt.  There is no point to that.
47.  Wear clothes that fit you appropriately.  If you look like a stuffed sausage, get a larger, MUCH larger size.
48.  Don't wear pajamas in public.  Ever. Ever. Ever.
49.  Have your eyes checked.  You may not know that you can't see.  You might be missing lots!
50.  Always stop and be grateful for the life you have, especially on your birthday. 

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