First up, the lovely 15 year old burgandy leather recliner is now sitting quietly in the garage waiting for his place in recliner heaven. Perhaps my garage is the equivalent to recliner purgatory. The new soft, comfy, light camel color, fabric recliner is in it's "John's chair" spot and called to duty. John adores his chair. For the record I always hated the leather recliner. It was cold and harsh to me. Maybe that's why I never sat in it. No one ever sits in the recliner but John. But with this new comfy chair, I just might break with tradition. Adam once said, "That's when you know you are a real man....You have a chair."
Three years ago today, we were wheels up and headed to Ireland. It came at the end of a long hard week. Mr. Smith passed from this life on Tuesday. We had to wait on lots of out of town family to get here and so the visitation wasn't until Thursday night and the funeral was on Friday. We packed all day on Saturday and the 4 of us headed to Dublin on Sunday. We were exhausted mentally, physically and spiritually. But it ended up being the best distraction ever and the most marvelous trip of our lives.
After landing in Dublin blurry eyed, we rented a motor car and headed on the wrong side of the road and wrong side of the car across the grand isle of Ireland to Galway City. When we hit the bed that night, we all slept 15 hours straight. EX-HAUST-ED.
I remembered all those details yesterday when my body called it quits at about 7pm. I had been up on my feet cooking since 7am yesterday morning. I had more to do, but my body locked up and said "Nope, she's done, go to bed." So this morning I have to make parsley sauce, the filling and frosting for the cupcakes AND 3 loves of Irish soda bread all before the cleaning begins.
So why do I do all this? Because I adore Ireland from the depths of my soul. I always knew I would. It felt like home. I had dreamed my whole life of the grand isle. I read every book I could get my hands on, fiction or non. I watched every movie filmed in or about my favorite place in the world. And my heart was not disappointed one bit with her loveliness. I love to share the music, food and culture of Ireland with those I love.
This time of year, more than usual, I'm reminded of this beautiful song. It's called "Galway Bay". Favorite lines: "If you ever go across the sea to Ireland, then maybe at the closing of your day. You can sit and watch the moon rise over Claddagh and see the sun go down on Galway Bay" swoon "And if there is gonna be life here after. And faith somehow I'm sure there is gonna be. I will ask my God to let me make my heaven, in that dear land across the Irish Sea. In my dear land across the Irish Sea."
I was blessed to hear Chloe sing that song at a Celtic Woman concert two years ago. I don't know if I was the only one, but I was the woman people heard during that concert
I also adore a house full of happy people stuffing themselves on the offerings of my home cooked food. I love to make people giddy with food. If you leave my house and didn't have to let your belt out a notch, I didn't do my job correctly.
Throw the two together and you have the reason I work so hard to make St. Patrick's Day special. Yes I know I go overboard, I know people think I'm nuts about Ireland (and I am) and I know people think all this work is crazy. But, I simply do not care about those things. I care of about love and sharing that love with people I adore about a place I adore.
So what can you do to celebrate the day. Well, you can start by reading up on a humble man named Patrick who devoted himself to a wee land for the sake of Christ. Be inspired Seek to tell others about Christ just as he did.
Second, wear a bit of green on the 17th. Let the color remind you of the rolling hills and a grand Ben or two (they call mountains in Ireland Bens).
Third, listen to some fast traditional Irish music. It will make your soul giggle and your feet tap.
Only 2 more days my friends. I hope you are winding down your green shopping and getting all your St. Patrick's Day cooking done.
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