Thursday, July 11, 2013

Random Off the Wall Facts About Me

1.  One of my first memories as a child is being lost outside of some condos in Panama City Beach, Florida.  As you can see they eventually found me, or perhaps I found them.  I think perhaps they were TRYING to lose me, but I was smarter than them.  (Yes, I'm speaking to you David, Wanda, Martha, Richard and Jenny)

2.  When I was a kid the thing I missed most about our house in Decatur was the carport. We used to pour water on it with dish washing detergent and have the red neck version of a slip and slide. The tricky part was that we lived very close to the street.  So you had to be careful when sliding or the game could be over quickly and we'd all be going to that pesky hospital.

4. The best part of moving to Athens was moving next door my aunt, uncle and their 4 kids.  It was an only child palooza!  

5.  Best sound I ever heard was John David belly laugh for the first time.  

6.  When I was growing up I was a religious snob.  Not proud of it, but true fact none the less.

7.  When I became an adult I shifted into political snobbery.  I still hold the same actual political beliefs, but I don't feel snobbish about it.  Here's a weird thought....You can have opinions without beating people over the head with them.  I know!  Amazing stuff huh?  Only took 46 or so years and being ashamed of who I was becoming to figure it out.  I never said I was a quick learner. 

8.  Best trip of my life?  Ireland.  Why?  I had always wanted to go and my 3 favorite lads were with me...without cells phones!  It was awesome!

9.  Worst day of my life?  When I let it sink in that she really wasn't coming back.  That death really means gone.  Forever.  

10.  Strangest turn of events?  Realizing I have a calling to spend time with Catholic nuns.  Huh?  W-WHAT?  God, you know I'm "Church of Christ" girl right? 

11.  Weirdest spiritual change...lately?  Realizing wordy isn't for me anymore where prayer is concerned.  I used to could pray for hours and me do ALL the talking.  (Who in the crap did I think I was?)  Now, after a hefty dose of spiritual humble pie and a few spiritual kicks in the boooo-tay, bevity of words is much better suited to my life.  I now choose to be quiet and listen most of the time where my heavenly Father is concerned.  He is a much better talker than me. (Although I do wish He would speak a little LOUDER.  But who am I to tell Him anything about volume?) I can still pray for hours, but now use my time listening to Him instead!  Fancy that. 

12.  If given the chance, I believe I could live alone and never speak a word out loud as long as I have a keyboard to tap on :) 

13.  Biggest shock of my life?  When they let us leave the hospital with John David in the car seat WITH NO SUPERVISION.  Seriously, they let us, two green as grass nincompoops, come home with that wee boy all by ourselves.  On a brighter note, he survived.  

15.  Thing I miss eating the most?  Seafood.  (Developed a late in life food allergy after also developing Dysautonomia)  I remember vividly what a crab burger from the Provision Co. tastes like.  Sigh...

16.  Completely weird fact most people don't know about me, but will now...I love watching those ghost hunter type shows.  Not because I believe in what they are "so called" seeing, but because they are hilarious!  They don't scare me in the least, but they make me laugh out loud, sometimes really loud.  I'm rattin' Adam out too.  He likes to watch them with me.  We have literally laughed until we cried watching those shows.  

17.  Since we are talking about the supernatural now (I use the term "we" loosely), yes I believe in the supernatural.  I believe in God and He is like, totally, really supernatural, duh.  I believe angels are all around us.  Especially a pretty blue one that comes to visit my dreams now and again.  

18.  My current thoughts on death.  No, I don't like it.  Yes, I know something better awaits, but I still don't like being left behind.  No, I don't believe people become angels.  No, I don't think people are in heaven right now.  Scripture doesn't back that up and I believe scripture.  I do believe that the dead are resting and will awake on that glorious day and it will seem as if no time has passed.  And then....there's gonna be a PARTY!  (insert me dancing around the office as I think of this) 

19.  Best moment of life in the last week?  Adam speaking at church last night and being reminded of the man of God he is becoming.  My heart just nearly squeezes right into pieces.  

20.  Biggest regret so far in life.  Not many really.  But I do regret that I haven't pursued writing more heavily.  YOU may however think I made a good choice after reading these 20 random facts.  

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