Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lent for a Church of Christ Girl

Growing up CoC, I remember often hearing about the scripture that told us DON'T CELEBRATE HOLY DAYS.  At least that was what I was told.  It made no sense to me then or now.  Honestly it didn't make one lick of sense that fellow Christians would judge those who celebrate Christmas, Easter and such as a time to focus on Christ, but were all about celebrating death and goulishness on Halloween.  What?!

Here is the scripture I'm talking about.  "One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind."  Romans 14:5  It is especially interesting to look back at verse 4 and see that it begins with "Who are you to judge..."  

So.....I am fully convinced "in my own mind" that I am not smart enough to do everything that I know I should.  The older I get, the more I realize how pitifully flawed I am. I also know more than anyone just how human I am.  I know that every single day I am to think upon the death, burial and resurrection of my Savior. I do at some point throughout each day, BUT (and this is a big BUT) I do not do it as deeply or with as much reverence as I should.  What He did is so huge, so AWE INSPIRING that it deserves more time and more effort than I give it on a day to day basis.  So, knowing this about myself and likely you, I need to do something to hold my thoughts captive and dwell on His goodness. 

I'm not binding this on anyone.  I'm binding it on me because I know me.  After almost 50 years of living inside this body, I know that without these specific attempts at meditation on the various aspects of my salvation, I tend to forget and breeze through life without absorbing the magnitude of these things.  So basically, this just helps me focus.  Because God knows my intention is to surrender my will to HIM and focus on HIM, even when I fail miserably at it, I believe with all my heart He rewards that intention's journey with more peace, comfort and joy in life.   
So this girl dwells 40 days in the Lenten observance because I am convinced of it with my whole heart and mind.  My soul needs this spiritual food. 

There are days within the Lenten calendar that I fast.  Sometimes it's food, but sometimes it's other things that inch and shimmy focus away from Jesus.  Internet.  Books.  Television.  Whatever.  It's different with each person.  I happen to be a fair expert on what it is with me, but I have no idea what it is with you.  So, as scripture says who am I do judge

I'm speaking for me only when I say that in this life I often forget who I am.  I am just a simple minded child of God. I am often ungrateful. Even on my best days, I sin.  And on my worst days, I sin a heap.  I tend to forget that I'm  no one special and extraordinary all in the same breath.  My sin is just as heavy as another person's sin.  I need to be reminded who made me, how frail I am and what joy is to come.  

If you don't dwell in the Lenten season, I encourage you to take the time to examine your flawed, frailness in the next 40 days.  It's in that awareness that we become awed at how much we need a Savior.  Praise God one was sent.  His name was Jesus.  


  1. Mr. Riley and I are observing Lent this year. We are doing a devo reading together each day. He is abstaining from soda and I am steering away from sweet treats. I am looking forward to the time together.

    1. God will bless your intention. Love you sweet friend. Enjoy serving Him in the journey. Need a trip with you SOON!
