As I sat curled up in my Daddy's green recliner, I could hear my mother cooking supper in the kitchen of our little house on Chenault Drive. Momma always had supper waiting on the table for my Daddy when he came home from work. This scheduled, little ritual was soothing and made me feel safe. Pushing a long blonde curl out of my eyes, I looked down at the Barbie coloring book in my lap and the big box of 96 count crayons tucked safely beside my leg. I was in little girl heaven.
I love to color. Picking out a new coloring book and box of crayons is one of my most favorite things! It doesn't matter how many crayons I already have, I always seek the pleasure of opening a brand new box and smelling that incredible scent that wafts up from beautiful, new, unused crayon. I don't believe there is any smell that inspires me so!
At every single desk I have ever inhabited, I have kept a coloring book and crayons. When I get stressed out, it is the most simple and cost effective way to decompress and relieve growing anger or frustration. I have used the coloring supplies more at some jobs than others. Many a fellow co-worker has been saved by a simple page out of a Minnie Mouse coloring book. I have always loved Minnie.
As I've grown older, my love of coloring has remained. One of my guilty pleasures while shopping in Walmart or a bookstore is looking through the new coloring books. And yes, I still adore opening a fresh box of crayons for the simple pleasure of sniffing them.
It's the current "in thing" for adults to color. I told someone lately "I was coloring as an adult when coloring as an adult wasn't cool." Many artists are developing coloring books with themes directed toward adults. I especially love the ones with scripture themes. But I will admit my current favorite coloring book features winged fairies busy at their daily tasks.
At the direction of my friend Tracy, I picked up the book "Praying in Color." I have shown this method of prayer to many ladies and also children. It allows for resting and stilling the mind while one thinks of those they need to pray about. No one has to be extremely creative to pray in color. One simply needs to consent to praying.
Bible journaling is currently popular. It is simply drawing and coloring illustrations on an actual bible page. My old bible, the one I use the most, is colored and journaled in HEAVILY. My sweet bible is worn out, but I just can't give her up. The cover came off so I bound her afresh with packing tape. I have bought many new bibles, but this old, taped version holds all my notes and thoughts from over the years of my adult life. It is precious to me.
I bought a bible specifically for journaling and I love it too. This method encourages me to practice Lectio Divina, which is sacred reading. In Lectio Divina you are encouraged to focus on one passage. Read it over and over, at least three times, and see what words jump out at you. Then ponder those words and pray about what the Lord is saying to you.
There are so many ways to contemplate God's word. So many methods to help you arrive at "be still and know." I encourage you to consider what ways you can "be still and know." Do whatever it takes. Just do it.
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