Monday, May 4, 2020

God Enthroned in our Praises

“Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3

When the death count so far from Covid 19 was announced, it literally took my breath away.  So much pain, loss, and grief.  So many lives destroyed by the death of someone they love. 
I've determined that the more news I hear the more unsettled my spirit becomes.  So I turned the television off and turned the praise and worship music way up.  Loud.  Really, really loud.

I’ve learned through scripture and by my own experience, negativity and Satan’s whispers cannot be heard amongst serious praise and worship.  God himself is enthroned in our praises.  Don’t miss this.  God is enthroned in our praises.  We sing and HE, the God of our universe, the Father who created us, inhabits those praises! 

Standing alone in my kitchen, God inhabited my praises, lifted me out of my discouragement as He filled me with hope, joy, and love.  I raised my hands as my heart inflated with the breath of heaven.  

I have born witness that true worship elevates the heart to a place where worry and strife can no longer reach. These facts were affirmed as I listened to a group of singers on Facebook sing the lovely hymn, “It is Well with my Soul.”  Because of social distancing the song was recorded one singer at a time in their own individual homes using their phone recorders.  Then someone blended it together to form a brilliant, soulful, heartwarming rendition of this old hymn.  

On Tuesday nights during this crisis Keith and Kristyn Getty have been gathering live around their piano with their four little girls in what they call “Hymn Sing.” I have been participating in this singing and I can tell you that as those little girls smiling and singing hymns has filled me with such joy and hope not only in anticipation of our future victory over the virus, but also a renewed appreciation for the power of God’s children praising Him. 

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