Echoes of a Soul Whisper |
The world looks entirely different in just a few months. There is now a cottage industry of making fabric face masks. Businesses are closing left and right because of the quarantine. Weddings are being rescheduled. Bankruptcies abound. Educational professionals are struggling to figure out what to do about reopening schools. Burials are being completed with barely any friends or family in attendance because of the virus. People in rehab and nursing home facilities are lonely because no one can come in a visit with them. My heart hurts, y'all. Know yours does as well.
The racial tensions are almost more than my heart can take. I'll share more of my thoughts on this topic in a future article.
While we've all been struggling with this new world, trying to figure out what we can do next and attempting to discern the smart thing to do every single day, I've continued my normal habit of journaling and working through my own personal perception of this world's struggles. Those thoughts have recently been complied into a devotional book. I don't have all the answers, but I sure do know the one who does. I hope you'll consider reading it when it releases.
The beautiful image you see in the left hand corner of this article is the artwork that will be featured as the cover art on this newest book. Sarah Williamson is my cover art illustrator. God led me to her. When we open our souls to the whispers of God, He will take care of our every need. Sarah's work is an amazement to me- filled with such spirit. There is much to be learned during this crisis. But I truly believe that the most important thing to learn is HE holds us close just as this image reflects. The entire world is in His most loving and capable hands.
Release date for the book to be announced soon.
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