Thursday, January 16, 2020

Trip to the Mediterranean diet

First things first.  I'm a 53 year old female and overweight. Now with that out of the way.  We can get on to other things.

We found success with the Mediterranean Diet ten or so years ago.  Then I got sick and was eventually diagnosed with Dysautonomia.  My life turned on its head and I let my diet (way of eating) go slack.  Then my best friend got cancer and passed away, Everything in my life stopped for a while.  I didn't have the mental energy to focus on anything.  In other words, I had a lot of excuses and difficult circumstances.

At one point I even wrote a blog about our adventure in the Mediterranean way of eating.  Now that all seems a lifetime ago.  Much has changed in my life since then.  My children have grown up.  One is married.  I've written a novel and am writing my second.  My spiritual life is completely different.  We left a church that we helped build and attended for 25+ years.  I'm a part of a monastery as an oblate.  My father-in-law has passed away.  We've traveled extensively.  Due to my illness, medical specialist and new medicines are a big part of my life.  My body doesn't work the way it should.  I have an empty nest.  And these are just a few ways that my life has changed.

I'm not entirely sure that this adventure will result in weight loss for me.  I know it will for John.  Since my diagnosis my weight has been stagnant, remaining the same no matter what I eat or how much I eat.  But I know that food is fuel and the least I should do is fuel my body with good things.

The Mediterranean diet is consistently named as the best diet for overall health.  Read about that here.   In this way of eating, nothing is really off limits.  It's all about moderation, eating healthy fats and carbs, and filling your plate with beautiful, flavorful and colorful foods.

The only things that you should really eliminate are white things: white breads, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.  Stick to the versions of these things that are whole grain and much more brown.  I'm a Scottish/Irish/English girl.  I love me some starchy white foods.  It's in my DNA.  But my big rear end is also in my DNA.  Thanks a lot, ancestors.

Today I reorganized my spice cabinet by putting all the spices that are most used in this diet within easy reach.  I also threw out a lot of spices and were long past their prime. Learn more about the herbs and spices for this diet by linking here. A simple google search will result in many articles on this subject.

After the spice reorganization, I moved on to the pantry.  Out with the white and in with the brown. I added lots of beans and whole grains so that they are convenient and accessible. More info here.

John and I have been using Hello Fresh for a few weeks, mostly to help me learn about portion size.  I've cooked for growing boys for so long that cooking for just us is a challenge.  I've noticed there is a food service specifically for the Mediterranean diet and I might give that a shot.

I picked up a couple of books this week to inspire me with ideas and recipes.  (see photo above)  If you are on Instagram, I encourage you to search there for #mediterraneandiet.  TONS will come up.

I'll be posting daily about things I"m learning, dishes I've cooked, recipes I find and of course because it's me, lots of pictures.

I'm not writing this blog to say I know everything about this method of eating.  I know very little actually.  But I am willing and able to give this a try again.  If you want to learn along with me, I invite you to join in.

1 comment:

  1. Can’t wait to see your posts and which recipes y’all enjoy most! - Bonnie
