In an effort to keep things real, let me tell you a wee story.
I like for my writing to reflect a quiet, still mentality. I strive for the word placement and imagery to relax my reader. I like that, but lets be real for a minute. Life is often NOT quiet or still.
Today my house is chaos. Our house has become a revolving door home. My eldest son, John David has moved back in for a bit. My sweetly decorated guest room has turned into a boy room again. He is working and about to start school again. He was planning to move to Colorado, but that plan tanked due to reasons beyond his control. So, he has moved on to plan B, which includes living back at home. He is 24. It's been an adjustment for all of us. It really hasn't been bad, but keep in mind he has been on his own for quite some time. Regardless, there are many ways this Momma loves having her boys under one roof again.
Our youngest son (we have two boys), Adam is 20. He is in his junior year of college. He lives at home as well. He is on the coaching staff at our local high school's football team, he is working at a sporting goods store, helps with the youth ministry at his church and is in school full time. He is in the middle of finals week. He is stressed.
They come in, they eat, they study, and they go to bed. Oh I forgot, they also mess up clothes. My laundry room has morphed into something akin to thrift shop decor.
All the while I am trying to write, keep house, study, and today I'm scheduled to coordinate decorating the church Christmas tree.
Everyone has places to be and stuff to do. We are a crazy busy household. We all have cars. But in the past few days we've gotten 4 inches of rain in our neck of the woods. Today when John David went to leave for work, his vehicle had sunk into the squishy ground and is currently stuck. Adam is needed at the school for workouts. I am needed to pick up last minute stuff for the tree decorating and now we are short one vehicle. John is blissfully at work 45 minutes away. Lucky him.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! And its Advent season and I'm trying to focus. Breathe in and breathe out.
On to Advent, Day 3...Breathe in and breathe out.
Rejoice is a verb that means to feel or express great joy or delight.
What causes you to rejoice? A pay raise? A new car? Your car not being stuck in the mud? Empty laundry baskets? A full cupboard? The smile on your child's face? The success of a family member? The lovely noise of a family reunion? A kiss from your spouse? A win for your favorite team?
Today in our Advent study, we await His second coming, remembering His first coming and consider what made Jesus rejoice. Its an interesting question to ponder. What might make the biological child of God Himself and a virgin girl rejoice?
Thankfully we don't have to guess at the answer. Luke 10:21-24 (NASB) gives it to us.
21 At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, “I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. 22 All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”
23 Turning to the disciples, He said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see, 24 for I say to you, that many prophets and kings wished to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and to hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them.”
Have you glimpsed the Spirit and rejoiced in His presence? Scripture tells us the Spirit dwells in us at the time of baptism, so He is always with me. Even so, my mind is so loud at times I can't feel or hear Him.
We can only imagine the blessing of the disciples' physical eyes seeing Jesus and His wonders. I long for the day when my faith becomes sight. Jesus reminds us in this passage that all the gifts and wonders come from the Father and are given to us through the Son by His Spirit. THIS made Jesus rejoice. He praised God for the path of this gift. He praised Him that the gift didn't come to the complicated mind, for they would not welcome it. The gift came to the simple and most vulnerable.
Today as you ponder the coming King, consider rejoicing, even if the car is stuck. Consider dwelling with the Holy Spirit, sent from the Father. Consider.....
Jesus, please come quickly.
Blessings and grace,
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