Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weird Wednesday News:

In case you were wondering, NO you cannot get a few minutes extra sleep when there are 2 small dogs in your bed growling as they protect their chew sticks from the 1 large dog who is running (literally running) around in the bed with a plastic water bottle in her mouth...not even if you have a king sized bed.  

Tori the wonderdog aka "the granddog" is visiting with her grandparents, Uncle Adam and her furry Uncles, Harry and Zeus. The granddog is lively.  She is much more lively than her senior citizen furry uncles.  

She likes to run A LOT.  She likes to play A LOT.  She likes to chew A LOT.  She likes to give you kisses A LOT.  She eats A LOT. She drinks A LOT.  She likes A LOT of toys.  (Detecting a pattern here)  Middle aged grandparents with a 7 month old granddog is an interesting combination, especially when the jealous senior citizen dog Zeus wants to be held all the time.  I think he is afraid that his place as "Mommy's baby" is at risk.  

I will be going back to praise team practice tonight.  It will be the first time for singing since my friend went to rest with Jesus.  Yes, I'm a bit nervous that my emotions will get the best of me, but I felt a strong pull to get back "in the saddle" so to speak.  

Which reminds me, many people have asked about my recorded version of "The Rose" which was played at Angie's service.  Here is the story on that. Ronnie and I began to think about the service in the week prior to Angie going home to rest in Jesus.  We talked about this idea and that, with our goal that the service would be representative of Angie's life. We decided to have the children of 7Mile sing some songs since Angie has devoted at least 2 decades of her life to teaching the children at 7Mile.  She also sang with the praise team at 7Mile, so we asked the praise team to lead the congregation in 2 songs.  

Ronnie texted me after I got home from their house on Friday night, Feb. 1. The text said "Can you sing "The Rose" or get someone who can for the service." I sang this song when they got married in Sept. 1985.  I'm notorious for failing at singing when my emotions get high. It's awful. So after talking about it with John, we decided I would record it.  

So after a long day of being with Angie as she continued to fade and a long day of being with friends who had come to visit with her, John and I went to the church.  Let me also say that during supper that night, I ate some pinto beans which had been mixed into some taco salad.  I'm allergic to pintos.  I know...big, fat, stupid food allergy.  Anyway, I took 3 benadryl to attempt to avoid a ER visit.  It was successful but I was groggy.

I was able to record "The Rose" without any meltdown.  I think the benadryl helped.  After listening to it several times, John suggested the song needed harmony.  So he recorded me singing the harmony and put the tracs together. The end result was me singing harmony with me.  Kind of neat huh?  

After recording, John burned a CD and we took it back to the house late on Saturday night and played it for her.  We also had some other songs already recorded so we put a few of those on the CD as well.  It does my heart good to know that she was able to hear the song.  I sang it for her.  

At the service, Ronnie said that that "The Rose" would be played as we exited the building.  He said their life together began with that song and it would end with that song.  Breaks my heart, but so glad that I was able to do it  Thanks to everyone who have had such kind words to say about the recording.  

Now for the question everyone asks:  "How are you?"  
What I say:  "I'm fine. It will get better."  
What I mean"My friend died  I still can't believe she is not in a place where I can go see her.  I'm lost, lonely and so deeply sad.  I'm trying to figure out how to live this new normal.  Please be patient with me, I tend to be quiet and reclusive these days. But, it will get better."  
What I don't mean: "Please ask me lots and lots of questions about how I'm doing."

Have a blessed Wednesday.  Oh and "Happy Birthday Tricia!"

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